
This guide will instruct you on how to set up a validator node on the AI Network.

⚠️ Warning: You may earn rewards by running validators, but if you get slashed by your mistake, you can lose your money and reputation.

Validator Parameters

  • Annual reward rate: ~8% + transaction fees (varies)

  • Unbonding period: 7 days

  • Payout frequency: Every block (~20 seconds)

Initial Set-up


Minimum stake requirements

None for validators without proposal rights. If you'd like to run a proposer node, contact us at

Hardware requirements

  • 16 CPUs

  • 64GB Memory

  • 2TB Disk (SSD preferably)

  • Example GCP Instance: c2-standard-16

Networking requirements

  • Reserve a static, publicly routable IPv4 IP address for your node.

  • Your firewalls should expose TCP/5000 and TCP/8080

OS requirements

  • Ubuntu 18.04 or above

Running a Validator

While AI Network is in beta testing mode, we're only allowing whitelisted nodes to participate as validators. Please contact if you're interested.

1. Git clone & install dependencies

git clone
cd ain-blockchain
yarn install

2. Start a node

  • Using a keystore file

BLOCKCHAIN_CONFIGS_DIR=blockchain-configs/mainnet-prod \
    STAKE=10000 \
    KEYSTORE_FILE_PATH=/path/to/keystore/file \
    nohup node --max-old-space-size=55000 client/index.js >/dev/null 2>error_logs.txt &
  • Using a mnemonic phrase

BLOCKCHAIN_CONFIGS_DIR=blockchain-configs/mainnet-prod \
    STAKE=10000 \
    nohup node --max-old-space-size=55000 client/index.js >/dev/null 2>error_logs.txt &

3. Inject your account into your node

  • Using a Keystore file

    The following command requires two inputs: the path of your Keystore file and its password.

node inject_account_gcp.js <NODE_ENDPOINT_URL> --keystore
  • Using a mnemonic phrase

    The following command requires two inputs: a mnemonic phrase and an account index. If you do not enter an account index, it is set to the default value of 0.

node inject_account_gcp.js <NODE_ENDPOINT_URL> --mnemonic

4. Check out your node on the blockchain explorer!${yourNodeAddress}

Running a Validator with Docker

Instead of starting from a git clone, you can use a pre-built docker image from Docker Hub.

1. Pull Docker image from Docker Hub

docker pull ainblockchain/ain-blockchain:latest

2. Run Docker image

  • Using a Keystore file

docker run -e ACCOUNT_INJECTION_OPTION=keystore \
    -e SYNC_MODE=peer -e STAKE=10000 -e SEASON=mainnet \
    --network="host" -d ainblockchain/ain-blockchain:latest
  • Using a mnemonic phrase If you executed the second command, you don't need to manually inject your account into your node.

docker run -e ACCOUNT_INJECTION_OPTION=mnemonic \
    -e SYNC_MODE=peer -e STAKE=10000 -e SEASON=mainnet \
    --network="host" -d ainblockchain/ain-blockchain:latest
docker run -e ACCOUNT_INJECTION_OPTION=mnemonic -e MNEMONIC="your mnemonic" \
    -e SYNC_MODE=peer -e STAKE=10000 -e SEASON=mainnet \
    --network="host" -d ainblockchain/ain-blockchain:latest

3. Inject your account into your node

  • Using a Keystore file The following command requires two inputs: the path of your Keystore file and its password.

node inject_account_gcp.js <NODE_ENDPOINT_URL> --keystore
  • Using a mnemonic phrase

    The following command requires two inputs: a mnemonic phrase and an account index. If you do not enter an account index, it is set to the default value of 0.

node inject_account_gcp.js <NODE_ENDPOINT_URL> --mnnemonic

4. Check out your node on the blockchain explorer!${yourNodeAddress}

Last updated